
Sunday, June 19, 2011

bathrooms and chandeliers

It's the end to another lovely weekend at the beach.... where I have no internet access. It's probably a good thing, because then I don't have the distractions, and therefore probably am more active and social. I mean, what's the point of going to the shore and staying indoors on the computer anyway? But there is a big down side to this.....That being it's midnight on Sunday now and here I am feverishly typing away at my computer feeling like I have to post SOMETHING before the week starts! So here's something...

As I waste my life away in a small studio apartment in NYC, I dream of what I will do when I get a bigger place to call home. But I don't just dream of upgrading to a one bedroom New York apartment. That would be the logical next step, but no.... not in my head. I dream of living in a big house with lots of rooms, airy windows, a kitchen with some actual counter space and cabinets, a fenced in yard for Griffin, huge walk in closets, and of course, a big master bathroom.
It's a dream! So just go with it, okay? :) In that bathroom, I dream of having a sparkly chandelier dangling from the middle of the ceiling. I've mentioned this to people before and they usually cock their heads a little bit and repeat "in the BATHROOM?!" But for any doubters, check out these gorgeous examples. These may change your mind....  and have you tearing down that chandelier from the dining room for a relocation.

Could I hate my own bathroom any more right now???

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